Monogràfic de la revista Nature, «Co-production of research»
La revista Nature acaba de publicar un interessant número especial titulat «Co-production of research» on s'hi analitzen les oportunitats i el reptes al voltant de la recerca efectuada en col·laboració entre científics i altres agents socials. També s'hi presenten projectes concrets i s'hi explica com s'han concebut, finançat, desenvolupat i avaluat.
Aquest número especial, «Co-production of research» (03 October 2018), inclou els següents articles:
Editorial. The best research is produced when researchers and communities work together Knowledge generated in partnership with the public and policymakers is more likely to be useful to society and should be encouraged
How three research groups are tearing down the ivory tower
The people who should benefit from research are increasingly shaping how it’s done
Cassandra Willyard, Megan Scudellari & Linda Nordling
Co-production from proposal to paper
Three examples show how public participation in research can be extended at every step of the process to generate useful knowledge
Gary Hickey, Tessa Richards & Jeff Sheehy
Craft metrics to value co-production
To assess whether research is relevant to society, ask the stakeholders
Catherine Durose, Liz Richardson & Beth Perry
Farmers transformed how we investigate climate
To make my research more useful for people deciding how to plant crops and prevent flood damage, I asked for their help
Carolina Vera